The Printed Fox: 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

TBA's the thing.

My editor emailed me last week requesting a bit more time with Duchess and because I love and trust her, and she's amazing, of course I said it was okay.

I know I'm already announcing this three days after the fact (it's been a busy week), but until further notice, the release date for Duchess of War is To Be Announced.

I have no idea when my editor is going to get back to me with the final revisions. And then it'll take me a little time to go through and make the necessary fixes before I can then make it available for you on Amazon.

But I promise that as soon as I know anything, I will post it here.

I can't wait! I know that it'll be even better for the extra time in edits. My editor really is amazing and I love her to death. And I can't wait to get Duchess to you!

Another announcement, I'll be re-releasing Of Hallowed Fiends and Darkest Fortune with a new cover, new title, and new revisions later this year, as well. Most likely shortly after the release of Duchess.  Given that Duchess of War opens the morning after Hallowed Fiends' close, it would be wonderful if new readers could see what came before, as the story picks right up with no explanation of what happened the night before. I can see how this might be confusing for some.

Some have asked if I include the full version of the poem featured in Hallowed Fiends, and sadly that answer is no. They were reciting a very long poem, of epic length. While I know I could sit down and write something to satisfy that request that came in so often, I felt the focus for Duchess would best be served if it kept to the complex and evolving relationship between Anya and her Duke.

I can't wait for you to read it!

Side note: We have a lot of fun discussions on my Facebook fan page. I also sometimes use it to crowdsource future posts. So if you want to keep in the loop, or even be mentioned on TPF, make sure to give my Facebook fan page a like and follow my updates!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Hello again, my lovelies!

I know it's been forever since I've posted here. There's been a lot going on.

For those who are followers on my Facebook page, you'll know that this past year has seen a lot of personal loss, including losing my father in a tragic, sudden accident while I stood 10 feet away. It took me a long time to come back to myself after that, so I beg forgiveness for not being around.

In my effort to come back to myself, I started writing again, and picked up where I left off with what should have been a New Release last year: Duchess of War.

I'm happy to announce that Duchess will be coming exclusively to Amazon later this month!

That's right!

September 30, Duchess of War will be available for purchase exclusively for Kindle!

And all the fans on my Facebook Page had a blast with my cover reveal for it (and if you haven't Liked my Author Fan Page yet, why not???), so I will share it here for those who have missed out.

So save the date!  Sept 30, only 18 days away!

Side note: We have a lot of fun discussions on my Facebook fan page. I also sometimes use it to crowdsource future posts. So if you want to keep in the loop, or even be mentioned on TPF, make sure to give my Facebook fan page a like and follow my updates!